Monday, October 15, 2007

Married life…

Fall is finally here!! It's so nice to be able to take long walks without coming back drenched in sweat.   We finally have my stomach & asthma problems under control.  It was rather simple, no caffeine, nothing fried, no caffeine, no salads,  no caffeine, nothing spicy, no caffeine, no chocolate,  no caffeine....that's it - can you tell I am a tad bit bitter about the caffeine :-) The doctor recommend we do this for 4 weeks and then see how my progress is at that time.

Well we have been married almost 7 months now and its been a rather easy adjustment for us.   We were so busy the first couple of months that it flew by and now that things have slowed down we are starting to settle into a rather nice routine.   It's funny you hear all the horror stories of the "first year" and I don't think we have had any of the "growing" pains, yes Josh was sad to have to get rid of his "favorite" chair that he has had since childhood into college but he has adjusted rather well with the promise that I will replace it with one that the springs still in the cushion and not hanging out the bottom.  

As you can see with the picture below, he was with the chair till the very last moment.  

Parting brings such sorrow....


Stephanie said...

LOVE this picture!!

Jules said...

wow, he's totally in the chair out by the trash!